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Movers For Moms is on now!

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Here is your chance to give back to your community in a meaningful way! Two Men & a Truck has teamed up with the Women and Children’s Alliance and Advocates Against Family Violence to collect and deliver supplies to women and mothers escaping domestic violence.

We spoke to Lynda Bruns, Marketing Director for Two Men & A Truck, Bea Black, CEO of the WCA, and Kim Dougan, Executive Director of Advocates Against Family Violence to get all the details. In short, there are drop boxes available around the valley so you can drop your donation off in time to be delivered to women in the Treasure Valley by Mother’s Day. Listen in to the interview for more info, or click the links to check out to their web pages! Thank you in advance for helping us help Treasure Valley mothers in escaping violence.

FlyerMovers for Mom logoWCA donation link



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